Life can be crazy fun but we don’t always see it, we get so caught up in the mundane that we forget that fun is there to be had. Have you noticed that when you ask someone ‘how are you?’ they immediately start talking about issues at their job? But you didn’t ask about the job, you asked – how are YOU? that makes me sad.
We shouldn’t live to work; the job is what you do so you can afford to really live. Ideally, we should find a way of generating income by simply doing what we love to do, although this is not as easy as it sounds! finding a job that matches our unique talents is a good compromise. I always advise the younger crowd to stay open to possibilities. If you’re offered a job which you have absolutely no idea how to do – be honest about your lack of knowledge and accept! you’ll be earning while you’re learning and that’s always the smart thing to do, anyway, as I was saying…
That night we had a party of sorts, a friend of Chef Claudia had joined us for dinner and she outdid herself! Dinner was delicious! we had a simple but tasty cabbage salad followed by a delicious dumpling stuffed with ground beef and drizzled with a mouthwatering gravy. I swear it was orgasmic! Did you notice that I said ‘a’ dumpling? Crazy right?
I honestly love to eat, I struggle to eat big portions but I love variety. My plate is usually a mishmash of this, that and the other so when Claudia served one beautifully presented dumpling covered in gravy, I was disappointed. I thought well, there must be another course before dessert. Boy! Was I mistaken! That dumpling was absolutely amazing and sooooo filling! After I had scraped up the last bit of gravy off my plate I honestly couldn’t eat another morsel even if you paid me!
Captain Eddie Chef Claudia
After dinner we played classic rock and danced like no one’s watching, trust me it’s the best kind of dancing you can ever do! It seems ludicrous that a South African, a Guyanese, an Italian and a St. Lucian would be dancing and screaming out the lyrics of 20th Century Fox on a Cat in the Caribbean Sea on a weeknight! Like I said earlier, sometimes life can be crazy fun if you just stop focusing so much on the mundane.
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