Exhale! Prt 1

Truth be told I’m now learning how to exhale; I know it sounds clichéd but honestly when you’re of a certain age that’s when you finally get what it means. As a black Caribbean woman I was brought up to be respectful of my elders. To be mindful of societal ‘laws’ and to try as much to conform to what is ‘expected’ of me. The older I get the more I resent this expectation that I would do what ‘they’ decide is the right and correct thing to do. What about my own views? what about my own personal ambitions and expectations, what about my own yearnings and emotions?

Yes! now I know what it means to exhale and to stop caring about how I measure up. Whether or not I’m doing what a respectable woman with my peculiar background should do and whether I’m being a ‘good girl’. Today I say, to fuck with all that shit! it’s time to live out loud and enjoy everything that life has to offer! I say yes to living in the moment, I say yes to expecting only a bright future. I say yes to staying up all night with my love to drink wine and make love until the sunrise spills its light across our entwined bodies.

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