3 Tips to Keep Your Marriage Tight in 2021

This year, I will celebrate eleven years of marriage. In Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers, he discusses Simon and Chase’s 10,000 hours theory. This theory suggests that 10,000 hours which takes about ten years of deliberate practice in a field, is required to achieve mastery.

According to the 10,000 hours theory and the ten plus years of marriage I possess, I am an expert husband! I am not a perfect husband, but I do possess sound advice for men with an interest in maintaining a long-term committed relationship.

„3 Tips to Keep Your Marriage Tight in 2021“ weiterlesen

Mesmerized Part I

He stood there impaled by her direct stare from across the crowded bar. She had caught him looking and somehow she seemed to hold his gaze with hers. It was almost as though he couldn’t voluntarily look away, she was looking into his soul, seeing things he wasn’t ready to share with anyone. He tore his gaze away and stared blindly into his whiskey glass for a moment before abruptly tossing back its contents. He deliberately turned his back on the crowded room and leaned on the bar waiting for the barman to refill his empty glass.

„Mesmerized Part I“ weiterlesen

Love is Good for Your Heart

heart hand on shallow focus lens

February is the shortest month of the year, the month when your finances begin to recover from your end-of-year extravagance. It is also the month of St. Valentine’s Day, the celebration of love day. This is quite apt because February is also Heart Health Awareness Month.

Doctors, dieticians, and other health practitioners advise that eating a diet of unprocessed, nutritious food and incorporating exercise into your daily routine is good for heart health. Just like you, I’ve heard that litany before but what I hadn’t heard before is that love is good for your heart.


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