Life’s Challenges

Its 48 days until Christmas, can you imagine? Where did the time go? I know some of you are eager for the challenges of 2021 to end and you are hoping that 2022 will be a less challenging year. Sadly we cannot run away from life’s challenges!  The only way to overcome challenges is to face them with a view to early resolution. Have you noticed how much we resist that? Life demands that we constantly evolve and adopt to changing circumstances. A lot of times we create problems for ourselves by resisting change. The Covid-19 pandemic is a case in point! so many are resisting the call for everyone to be vaccinated yet so many are dying every day.

We create more problems for ourselves by resisting change. I recently did some soul searching and came up with that little nugget of wisdom which really helped me cope. I am usually an annoyingly happy-go-lucky person but the challenges I experienced over the past months made me very despondent. I was resisting change and it made my situation appear worse that it was. My soul searching made me realize that life is constantly throwing us curve balls, demanding that we toughen up and learn how to cope. Overcoming life’s challenges is how we learn new skills and build character. Resisting the process can potentially do more harm than good, but how do you overcome life’s challenges?

How do we overcome life’s challenges?

Change can be challenging, when you are in a changing situation it is difficult to think straight. If it’s a promotion or an opportunity to do something you enjoy – then you are naturally happy with the change. When it is the type of change you are not happy with – like losing a job or someone you love, you may experience grief, sadness, hopelessness and even anger. In his book Life in the Daylight: Seeing Life’s Challenges Differently, Rashon E. Forrest talks about how you can see challenges in a more positive light.

It can be very difficult to deal with grief, sadness, hopelessness and anger.  Try to make sense of your feelings by talking to a trusted family member or friend. A lot of times, just talking about what is bothering you out aloud can be therapeutic and help you see life’s challenges differently. While talking to a friend can be helpful, seeking help from a professional is even better. A counselor can help you figure out how to manage your emotions and adjust to your changing circumstances. Reading books like Life in the Daylight: Seeing Life’s Challenges Differently, by Rashon E. Forrest can also be helpful.

Everyone is faced with circumstances that cause anxiety and worry every day. Most of the time we forget that those close to us may be facing difficult circumstances. Some people hold everything inside and you may never know what they are going through until they volunteer that information. While we may not be able to make their problems go away, just making time to listen can make the world of difference. Remember to really listen the next time someone talks about their personal struggles.  Don’t intervene to tell them about your challenges! (unless you intend to also tell them what strategies helped you). Too often we make the mistake of not listening but everyone needs a good listener in difficult times.

Are you currently experiencing one of life’s challenges?

Are you currently experiencing one of life’s challenges? if so what changes are you resisting? My advice is to roll with it a little, ask yourself what can possibly happen if you just went along with it. What have you got to lose? Will you learn something new? Will it eventually benefit you in the long run? Maybe there is something you need to let go of? or perhaps you need to walk away, do you have the courage to walk away? In some cases walking away can open new and previously unnoticed doors for you! The important thing is to know when that time comes. Look at every option and try to be as objective as possible. Do you stay and evolve or do you walk towards another open door?

Having the courage to walk away can sometimes be the best way forward but when faced with the choice of walking away the future can often look uncertain. The adage “a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush” becomes very applicable at that point! In her book This Woman Can Janice Sutherland former CEO of a multi-million-dollar telecommunications company, talks about how she found the courage to walk away.

Be like the bamboo

Whatever you do, know that life’s challenges are intended to help you grow and evolve so don’t resist!  History tells us that nothing remains static, the entire universe has been evolving from the beginning of time. Those organisms that do not evolve eventually become extinct. Everything is constantly changing, and the only way we can survive is to be flexible. Be fluid and flexible in every situation and eventually you will begin to see a way forward. There is an old Japanese proverb that says, “the bamboo that bends is stronger than the oak that resists.”  Be like the bamboo, be strong! And may 2022 be your most auspicious year yet.

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