Let Love In

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs puts the human need for love and belonging halfway up the totem pole of needs. To my mind, as important as the other components are, giving and receiving love is paramount. If the human need for love is unmet, all else is adversely affected and no one is happy.

Maslow theorized that if a particular need is unmet, an individual is motivated towards fulfilling that need

I know this may seem terribly presumptuous of me, but I don’t agree! My theory is that motivation to pursue love is dependent on the unique circumstances and experiences of the individual. Some lack the capacity to allow themselves the degree of vulnerability and acceptance that love demands.

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The Well Dressed/Confident Man

Dressing well and looking your best is a great way to boost your self-confidence. Hence, taking the time to experiment with different aspects of clothing to determine what complements you is important. Depending on your complexion, some colors will look better than others. Find out what your color palette is and use it to your advantage, yes I know what you’re thinking but trust me this works!

Similarly, some cuts of clothing would accentuate good aspects of your body type while camouflaging the not so good aspects. Let’s face it, no one is perfect but with a little knowledge of what looks good, you can come pretty close to cutting the perfect figure!

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